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Fuzion Athletes in College

The following schools have had one or more Fuzion athletes attend and compete in track and field over the last 11 years. I'm sure we might have missed one or two so please let us know if we missed you. NCAA rules prevent us from listing names, but give us a ring and we can discuss the athletes that have attended or are attending these schools. 


Since 2008, we’ve helped over 75 athletes compete in (Track and Field / Pole Vault) at the collegiate level with over $4.5 million in athletics and academic scholarships.




University of Miami -  UM- FL 

Cincinnati University - OH

Eastern Kentucky University EKU - KY

Tulane University - NO

University of Kentucky - KY

University of Memphis - TN

University of Minnesota - MN

University of Louisville  UL - KY

University of North Carolina - UNC
University of South Dakota -SD
University of North Dakota - ND
University of Southern California -USC
University of Wisconsin
University of Iowa - Iowa
University Northern Iowa -UNI

Marquette University -WI

Brigham Young University - BYU
North Dakota State University -ND
Iowa State University -IW
University of California CA
Western Kentucky University -WKY
Drake University - Iowa
Airforce Academy - CO
Massachusetts Institute of Technolgy MIT- MA



Nova Southeastern University - FL
University of Sioux Falls- SD

University of Minnesota Mankato - MN
St Cloud State - MN
University of  Minnesota Duluth - MN
Moorehead State- MN
Winona State University -MN
Bemidji State University - MN
St Cloud State Univerity - MN
Albedine Christen - TX
Concordia University - Mn - WI
Beloit College -WI
Bellerman University - KY




Berea College - KY 

ohn Hopkins University - MD

Trasylvania College - KY

North Central College - IL

Centre College - KY
Augsburg College-MN
Gustavus -MN
St Thomas -MN
St Olaf - MN
Carltion College -MN
St Benedict - MN
Macalester College - MN
Hamline College - MN
U of Wisconsin -Lacrosse
U of Wisconsin- Waukesha
U of Wisconsin- Milwaukee
U of Wisconsin- Platteville
U of Wisconsin - Oshkosh
U of Wisconsin - Riverfalls
U of Wisconsin - Stevens Point
U of Wisconsin - Stout
U of Wisconsin - Whitewater
U of Wisconsin - Parkside
Luther College - Iowa




Indina Tech -IN

Midway Unicerity- KY

Rio Grande University - OH 

Cumberlands College - KY

Lindsey Wilson - KY

Campsville College - KY

Georgetown - KY

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